Talks by Sessions

A 45-minute session on a range of different technologies, practices and methodologies
Bootiful Spring Boot in 2025
Building AI Agents with Model Context Protocol: From Specification to Implementation
Clean Architecture for Serverless: Business Logic You Can Take Anywhere
Continuations: The magic behind virtual threads in Java
Debugging with IntelliJ IDEA
Dockerfiles, Buildpacks, Jib and more ... what's the best way to run your Java code in Containers?
Effective software design: The role of men in debugging patriarchy in IT
From 0 to H-AI-ro: Unlock the power of generative AI with Kotlin, LangChain4j and Spring AI
GraalVM in action: Building a Polyglot Rule Engine for Dynamic Business Logic
Hexagonal Architecture in Practice, Live Coding That Will Make Your Applications More Sustainable
Hunting with Stream Gatherers
Java 24: A story about code, conflicts and conquer
Programming's Greatest Mistakes
Reaching Operational Excellence using OpenTelemetry
Scaling Sustainability: IKEA’s Transformation through Domain-Driven Design and Microservices
Securing the Future of AI: Authorization Strategies for RAG Systems with LangChain4J and OpenFGA
Streamtoxication: How a Fluent API turns into a Tangled Mess
Words as weapons: The dark arts of Prompt Engineering. Let’s hack some models... or even you?!