
Yasser Arenas

A backend developer with experience in Java, Kotlin, and Python, with a background at Disney Streaming, where he contributed to building scalable and high-performance backend systems. He prioritizes applying good practices and principles when writing code, believing that clean code enhances maintainability and makes any project more enjoyable to work on, regardless of the technology used.

IT for a Heart - From Idea to a Life-Saving Application
Byte size (BEGINNER level)
Zaal 9

Can the maintenance of AEDs be innovative, while also giving something back to the world around us?

At TrailBlazers, we allocate time each year to focus on innovation and positive impact.

Innovation can mean new technologies or new ways of working.

But what if you combine both to create something that can save lives?

The idea arose when a colleague encountered a (well-intended) system relying on scattered Excel sheets, WhatsApp messages, and SMS.

It was far from secure and made communication difficult. There had to be a better way.

During a hackathon, together with the volunteers of the Amersfoort Resuscitation Network, we developed a new solution: a modern AED webapplication using the latest Java version, the latest Angular version, Spring Boot, Kubernetes and Cypress for front-end testing in the Google cloud.

This application simplifies AED maintenance and issue reporting to increase the availability of AEDs.

With a growing group of volunteers, the application is continuously being enhanced and enrichted with new features and actively used for 1 year now.


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