
Oliver Cronk
Scott Logic

As Scott Logic's Technology Director, Oliver takes a big-picture view – balancing strategic vision with practical, pragmatic solutions, as well as leading the Scott Logic Sustainable Technology practise. Oliver has over 20 years of experience, having started in hands-on engineering roles progressing into architecture and leadership roles with experience across energy, finance, government, and tech sectors.

GreenOps and Green Coding - are you optimising the right things?
Conference (INTERMEDIATE level)
Zaal 11

In our race to build sustainable technology, we often focus on the wrong metrics or make assumptions about what drives our carbon footprint. This session explores the practical application of the Technology Carbon Standard (TCS) to application development and DevOps, helping developers and architects make informed decisions about sustainable coding practices.

The talk will start with an overview of the impact tech has on the planet.

Break down the 3 main areas of concern (Upstream, Operational and Downstream) and help identify which are significant in your case.

Then explore what practical choices you can make to reduce the impact of each of these areas.


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