Experienced Java/Kotlin developer, focused on back-end development. Technical coach, Linux addict, DEVOPS enthousiast, architectural adept. Frequent conference attendee to adopt technologies just after the bleeding-edge phase. Never afraid to share my thoughts.
Specialties: Java, Kotlin, Spring/Spring Boot, MongoDB, Hibernate, Linux, Open Source, Agile, Scrum.
So you know your way around Spring Boot and how to configure your application. And the next step is to deploy it to Kubernetes. Not everyone knows how to do this, so you ask Google and it tells you to use Helm, a deployment tool for Kubernetes. Google says go deep-diving into Helm-charts: write deployments, config-maps, mounts etc. Someone in your team might be experienced in Helm, but only talks "Helm-charts" and you only talk "Spring Boot" and you will find out that those two languages/concepts don't really match. How will you talk to each other and work together?
In this talk I will speed through the Helm setup Google tells you to follow and show you why I think it is not suited for a dedicated Spring Boot developer.
I'll demonstrate the method we came up with to have your Spring Boot configuration (e.g. application*.yaml) copy/pasted into your Helm configuration and using that to deploy it to Kubernetes.
Topics covered:
- Spring Boot configuration overview including Spring Profiles
- The 'classic' way Google tells you to deploy your Spring Boot app to Kubernetes and why this doesn't work
- Our setup that joins both worlds: finding the middle ground between Spring Boot configuration and Kubernetes' Helm charts
- All in code/demo form, no slides
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